Asean Free Trade Agreement Tariff Schedule

See the full text of the Agreement on Investment and two related sub-agreements: 4 Technical barriers to trade include technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures that may have a direct or indirect impact on trade in goods. Any claim that a product is entitled to preferential tariff treatment shall be accompanied by a certificate of origin conforming to the model set out in the Annex to the Operational Certification Procedures issued by a governmental authority designated by the exporting Party and notified to the other Parties in accordance with the operational certification procedures set out in Annex III annexed to those Rules. (a) procedures to ensure that products are kept in good condition during transport and storage (e.B. drying, freezing, storage in brine, ventilation, spreading, cooling, introduction into salt, sulphur dioxide or other aqueous solutions, removal of damaged parts and similar treatments); 1.Parties accepting this form for preferential tariff treatment under the ASEAN-INDIA Free Trade Agreement (AIFTA): 2.CONDITIONS: In order to benefit from preferential tariff duty under AIFTA, goods shall be shipped to one of the above-mentioned Parties: (a) in accordance with normal domestic trade practices of the exporting Party; and ROO will serve as a tool for importing countries to determine whether only eligible products are eligible for the preferential tariff concession promised under ATIGA. Goods that are simply reloaded or subjected to simple processes are out of the question. Preferential import duties shall be granted where compliance with the specific ROO has been established. Under ATIGA requirements, imported goods must be accompanied by a Certificate of Origin (COO) Form D issued by an authority designated by the government to support the claim that they are eligible for preferential tariff treatment under the Specific Free Trade Agreement. 8.FOR OFFICIAL USE: The customs authority of the importing Party shall indicate in the appropriate boxes in column 4 (Ö) whether or not preferential duties are granted. ATIGA has a number of ROOs. It is important that the Malaysian business community understands SROs so as not to be denied preferential tariffs when exporting their products that can maximize the use of a free trade agreement. `FOB` means the value on board of free ammunition determined in accordance with the procedures laid down in paragraph 1 of Annex I; simplified provisions on the modification of concessions and trade policy remedies; AtF-JCC aims to strengthen cooperation to promote efficient trade between AMS through trade facilitation reforms or measures to reduce trade transaction costs and improve competitiveness. (c) Where an AIFTA certificate of origin is not recognized by the customs authority of the importing Party, that AIFTA certificate of origin shall be marked accordingly in box 4 and the original of the AIFTA certificate of origin shall be returned to the issuing authority within a reasonable time, but not more than two months. The reasons for the refusal of preferential tariff treatment shall be duly communicated to the issuing authority.

Create a legal framework that implements the free movement of goods in the region in order to create a single market and a production base by 2015. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)1 was Hong Kong`s second largest trading partner in merchandise trade in 2019 and fourth in services trade in 2018. Total trade in goods between Hong Kong and ASEAN amounted to HK$1,018 billion in 2019 and total trade in services between the two sides amounted to HK$137 billion in 2018. At the end of 2018, ASEAN ranked fourth among Hong Kong`s foreign direct investment destinations with a stock of HK$480 billion. It ranked sixth among Hong Kong`s sources of foreign direct investment with a stock of HK$533 billion. 21. Goods shipped by one Party to another Party for display if sold during or after the exhibition shall receive preferential tariff treatment if they meet the requirements of these Regulations, provided that it is demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the competent customs authority of the importing Party, that: the issuing authority shall provide detailed and comprehensive clarification of the reasons given by the importing Party for the refusal of preferential tariff treatment. The customs authority of the importing Party shall recognise the AIFTA Certificate of Origin and grant preferential tariff treatment if the clarification proves satisfactory. 4.The exporter and/or producer of the goods eligible for preferential tariff treatment shall be in writing to the issuing authority of the exporting Party requesting verification of the origin of the goods prior to export.

The result of the verification, which shall be reviewed regularly or, where appropriate, shall be accepted as proof of verification of the origin of those products to be exported subsequently. Pre-export control may not apply to products whose origin can be easily verified due to their nature. Based on afta and ATIGA commitments, CLMV eliminated tariffs on all products in 2016 with a flexibility of 7% of tariff items by 2018. Rules of origin (ROO) are an integral part of any preferential trade regime. Roo lays down the conditions under which goods traded under free trade or preferential trade are considered to be `originating goods`. .

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