Kitabu Cha Four Agreement

If you want to get into the habit of reading and find something that will encourage you to read and invite you to the reading group. This group is called INSATIABLE READERS, in this group we read two books a week and it is important that each member reads and discusses at least one book. To learn more about this group, click on this text. The third agreement describes the question of assuming how this leads to suffering and why individuals should not participate in its encounter. Accepting what others think can lead to stress and interpersonal conflict because the person believes that their hypothesis is a representation of the truth. [10] Ruiz believes that one solution to overcome the act of acceptance is to ask questions and ensure that communication between those involved is clear. [9] Individuals can avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama by not making assumptions. [1] To obtain this book of the FOUR CONVENTIONS, click on the text of the book and download it. The author of this book, Miguel Ruiz, is one of those who studied this Toltec philosophy and were able to live and benefit from it, and through this book he shares with us the principles of this philosophy that if we work for it, we will also have a better life. It is a book that gives us a guide on how to achieve personal freedom in our lives by following the four principles that the author shared with us.

These four basics are simple and are in each of us to work and have a better life. Download this book, read it and start working on what you learn, and I assure you that your life will not be the same as it is now. There are a few things that will make your life better. There are many things you can learn from this book. I can say that this book should be one of the most important books that will change your view of yourself and life in general. Welcome to the analysis of a book called The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Miguel Ruiz In addition to the book and audiobook, there is also an e-book, a four-color illustrated book, a card game and an online course. [1] Ruiz notes that while this agreement is the most important, it is the most difficult to respect. [7] For this agreement, Ruiz first analyzes the word “impeccable.” The word impeccable comes from the Latin word peccatus, which means “sin,” and the “im” at the beginning of impeccable is the Latin prefix meaning “without.” Ruiz describes a sin as anything that goes against oneself, and therefore it means being impeccable with language, taking responsibility for one`s actions, and remaining without judgment against oneself and others. [8] Essentially, this agreement emphasizes the importance of speaking eloquently and carefully choosing words before they are spoken aloud. [9] Huwa nasema kila kitabu ni kizuri, ila kwa kweli kitabu hiki ni kizuri mno.

Nasema ni kizuri mno na ningetamani kila mtu aweze kukisoma. Hii ni kwa sababu kitabu hiki kimejadili yale mambo ya msingi kabisa yanayotengeneza maisha yetu. Welcome to our book sharing process where every month we share a beautiful book that, by reading and working on what you will learn, your life will change greatly. Like the name of the book, the author shared four resolutions to live. By living with these resolutions, we will have a happy, loving and successful life. Let me stay here, because if I explain the four resolutions, you will not have the motivation to read them and you will miss much more. Read this book, you will find all this in more detail and the two that I have not explained are very good and will completely change your life. Finde den Mut, Fragen zu stellen und auszudrücken, was du wirklich willst. Kommunizieren Sie mit anderen so klar wie möglich, um Missverständnisse, Traurigkeit und Drama zu vermeiden. Mit nur dieser einen Vereinbarung können Sie Ihr Leben komplett verändern. In part 1 of this 2-part video, we learn about the “domestication” of man and how all the rules and values of our family and society are imposed on us by a system of punishment and reward. As young children, our true nature is to love and be happy, to explore and enjoy life; we are absolutely authentic.

But then we learn to be what others think we “should” be, and because it`s not acceptable for us to be who we are, we start pretending to be what we aren`t. When we are teenagers, we have learned to judge ourselves, to punish ourselves and to reward ourselves according to agreements we have never chosen. The Four Accords help us break self-limiting agreements and replace them with agreements that bring us freedom, happiness and love. The fourth agreement allows readers to get a better overview of the progress made in achieving their life goals. This agreement includes the integration of the first three chords into everyday life and also the exhaustion of one`s own potential. [8] It is a question of doing one`s best individually, which is different from the different situations and circumstances that the individual may encounter. Ruiz believes that if you avoid self-judgment and do your best in every given moment, you will be able to avoid remorse. [10] By incorporating the first three chords and giving the best of himself in all facets of life, the individual will be able to live a life without grief or self-irony. [10] kocha hiki kitaba is the best book.–Sent from my phoneAMKA MTANZANIA schrieb: a:hover { color: red; } a { text-decoration: underline; color: #0088cc; } a.primaryactionlink:link, a.primaryactionlink:visited { background-color: #2585B2; color: #fff; } a.primaryactionlink:hover, a.primaryactionlink:active { background-color: #11729E !important; color: #fff !important; } Dr. Makirita Amani postete: “Welcome to the analysis of a book called The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide To Personal Freedom written by Miguel Ruiz This is a book that gives us a guide on how to achieve personal freedom in our lives by following the four principles a » In The Four Agreements enthüllt Don Miguel die Quelle selbstlimitierender Vereinbarungen, die uns die Freude rauben und unnötiges Leid schaffen. . .


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